Why Telehealth Services Learn The Benefits

Why Telehealth Services? Learn The Benefits

Are you looking to incorporate telehealth technology into your company and offer such services for your patients? If yes, you aren’t alone. The usage of telehealth in the country has increased significantly, rising by more than 50% between 2016 and 2017. Based on a FAIR Health report, these figures are comparatively much higher than other types of service studied in the report.

What’s with all the buzz around telehealth and its boom? Here are some of the key benefits offered by telehealth services for both patients and providers.

Supports Independence

For most older adults, maintaining their independence is a priority. Telehealth plays a crucial aspect in assisting people with their daily living without heavy reliance on other people and institutions.

The increased usage of telehealth enables older adults to monitor their own health on the move or even at home. In telehealth, patients keep track of their vital signs like heart rate as well as blood pressure, and these details are sent to registered clinicians for remote monitoring.

Expedites Timely Care

One challenge of providing healthcare is the ability to direct patients to the right provider in the shortest time possible. Patients may need to make unnecessary trips to the urgent care clinic or emergency room, leading to delays in the care provided. Telehealth eliminates these hindrances as the patient will be able to see a physician immediately, leading to more timely care.

Helps Patients with Limited Mobility

For those who experience difficulties with their movement or for those who don’t have reliable means of transportation, telehealth can benefit them greatly. Essential healthcare services can be provided to these patients via technology such as video calls to ensure they receive healthcare whenever they require it and wherever they are.

Reduces Rural Barriers to Care

A significant benefit of telehealth is its effectiveness in addressing the challenges that arise with providing healthcare for people living in rural areas or remote places. It has been reported that 25% of people living in such areas didn’t receive timely healthcare services and another quarter of people felt that the location to the nearest provider was too far or difficult to get to.

Telehealth essentially shrinks or removes the distances between people living in rural areas and healthcare services, largely improving the accessibility of healthcare in these communities.

Lowers Strain on Healthcare System

In the United States, access to care is an issue faced by patients. Many people struggle to receive timely healthcare during evenings or on weekends without making the trip to the emergency department. Scheduling appointments with physicians and specialists are also difficult due to the extremely long wait times.

With the increasing utilization of telehealth and remote care technologies, more people will be able to receive timely care, reducing the strain on the existing healthcare systems.

Receive Quality Psychiatric Services at Wonder Years

If you’re considering psychiatric services, then Wonder Years can help you. We have a comprehensive array of psychiatric services, including therapy, second opinions, neuropsychological assessments as well as telepsychiatry among many others. If you have any questions regarding our services, feel free to contact us today.

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What Is Social Anxiety Disorder? 4 Things To Highlight

Among the many anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorder is one of the most common. People who have social anxiety disorder often feel uncomfortable or nervous in social situations, such as giving a presentation or going on a date. It can be easy to mistake social anxiety disorder for general nervousness, which is what makes this disorder hard to spot. To better understand what is social anxiety disorder, here are 4 things you should know.

Understanding What a Social Situation Is

A social situation is any scenario that involves you and at least one other person. They generally fall into 2 categories: interpersonal interactions and performance situations.

Interpersonal situations involve interacting and bonding with others. Dating, meeting new people, going to social events, being assertive, and expressing opinions are all examples of interpersonal situations. 

Performance situations involve situations where an individual feels they are being observed. Eating in public, participating in meetings or group activities, performing in front of others, using a public washroom, and entering a room where everyone is already settled are examples of performance situations.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety

When in a social situation, people with social anxiety disorder will exhibit the following:

  • Negative Thinking: They tend to think negatively of themselves and how others will react to them. This can lead to over-fixating on themselves, what they are doing and how they may appear to onlookers.
  • Physical Symptoms: Physical sensations similar to those of nervousness will manifest. These include a racing heart, dry mouth, trembling, sweating, shaking, an upset stomach, dizziness, and the urge to urinate.
  • Avoidant Behaviors: They may try to avoid or remove themselves from social situations. During a social situation, they may take precautions to protect themselves from negative feedback, such as not speaking to avoid saying something stupid and becoming embarrassed. 

Why Is Social Anxiety Disorder a Problem?

Experiencing the occasional nerves when doing something new is not a big deal. However, if it happens too often, it can be detrimental to daily functioning and many aspects of one’s life. Social anxiety becomes a problem when it affects:

  • Work and/or school
  • Daily activities
  • Hobbies or recreational activities
  • Relationships

Diagnosis and Treatment

Social anxiety disorder is first diagnosed with a detailed and comprehensive intake session neuropsychological assessment by a qualified health care provider. If need be, it can be followed by a neuropsychological assessment. They are Neuropsychological assessments may be conducted to evaluate an individual’s capacity to make decisions, as well as other skills linked to brain function. It is a good tool for diagnosing an array of psychiatric conditions including anxiety disorders in both children and adults. 

After the assessment, treatment plans often include:

  • Psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the recommended type of psychotherapy for anxiety, where patients develop coping skills and slowly work towards facing situations they fear.
  • Medications: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the common antidepressant drug for alleviating symptoms of social anxiety. Other drugs may also be prescribed, such as benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety medications) and beta blockers that limit the effects of adrenaline.

If you are looking for a diagnosis or therapy plan for social anxiety disorder, Wonder Years has various treatments available and a professional team of health care providers to support individuals with psychiatric conditions such as anxiety.

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TMS Treatment For Depression Five Things You Should Know

TMS Treatment For Depression: Five Things You Should Know

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a form of non-invasive treatment which helps stimulate the brain nerves using magnetic pulses. Typically, a doctor will suggest TMS treatment when the patient is diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression. TMS is highly effective in relieving symptoms of depression and improving the mood in patients. Here are some of the key things you should know about TMS treatment for depression.

What is TMS?

Generally, healthcare professionals will utilize therapy and medication to help treat depression in patients. In patients who are resistant to these first-line treatments, doctors may recommend alternative solutions like TMS, where a magnetic coil will be placed on the scalp or forehead of the patient. The coil then sends a magnetic pulse that passes directly through the skull to stimulate certain nerves in the brain.

The doctor will usually administer the pulses in rapid succession to produce longer-lasting effects on the brain nerves. The magnetic pulses emitted are similar in type and strength to that of an MRI machine; the patient will not feel any form of pain.

What is TMS Treatment for Depression?

During TMS treatment for depression, doctors will place greater emphasis on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is the region of the brain that’s responsible for several cognitive functions such as mood management and memory. Studies have shown that stimulating this part of the brain using magnetic pulses can benefit how the nerve cells work, thus alleviating some of the symptoms faced by patients who have depression.

However, while most people respond well to TMS treatment, its antidepressant effect can wear off over some time.

Who is Suitable for TMS?

Depression is a complex condition that can be very complicated to treat. People who are deemed by the doctor to have treatment-resistant depression or those that are unable to consume medication for various reasons are ideal candidates for TMS treatment.

Who is Unsuitable for TMS?

It is not recommended for people to receive TMS treatment if they have the following implants in their head:

  • Aneurysm coils or clips
  • Bullet or shrapnel fragments
  • Ear implants or metallic eye
  • Facial tattoos with magnetic ink
  • Stents
  • Electrodes
  • Deep brain stimulators

People who are at a higher risk of experiencing seizures should also avoid TMS since seizures are one of the possible side effects.

What are the Side Effects of TMS?

While TMS is generally safe and well-tolerated by many patients, it is common for people to experience some side effects, such as:

  • Temporary hearing problems
  • Facial twitching during treatment
  • Painful scalp during treatment
  • Tension headaches

Seizures are more serious side effects that can occur, but the chances are significantly low.

Comprehensive Psychiatric Services at Wonder Years

Here at Wonder Years, we provide an extensive array of top-quality psychiatric services available for patients with varying needs. Whether it’s offering second opinions, therapy, ADHD coaching, telepsychiatry, or even TMS treatment, we can help you. We focus strongly on compliance with treatment as well as regular discussion regarding medications, diagnosis, and any potential side effects arising from treatment plans.

Feel free to reach out to us and begin your journey with us at Wonder Years today.

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Tips For Helping Someone With Depression

Tips For Helping Someone With Depression

Depression is a serious but curable condition that affects millions of individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It interferes with daily living, causing immense anguish and affecting not just people who are suffering from it, but also everyone around them.

If someone you care about is depressed, you may be feeling powerless, frustrated, angry, dreadful, guilty, and in grief. All of these emotions are natural. It’s difficult to deal with the despair of a friend or family member. It might get be overwhelming helping someone with depression if you disregard your own health.

How Can I Help Someone with Depression?

Having said that, your companionship and support may be quite beneficial to your loved one’s recuperation. You may assist them in dealing with the symptoms of depression, overcoming negative thinking, and regaining their vitality, optimism, and pleasure in life. Begin by learning everything you can about depression and how to effectively discuss it with a friend or family member. But, while you reach out, keep your own emotional health in mind—you’ll need it to offer the complete assistance your loved one needs.

Understanding Depression in a Family Member or Friend

Depression symptoms are not personal. Depression makes it difficult to connect on a deep emotional level with anybody, including those they love the most. Depressed people are also more likely to speak say cruel things and strike out in rage. Remember that this is depression speaking, not your loved one, so don’t take it personally.

Recognizing Depression Symptoms in a Loved One

In the struggle against depression, family and friends are frequently the first lines of defense. That is why it is critical to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression. You may recognize a depressed loved one’s condition before they do, and your influence and concern may push them to get assistance.

How to Approach Someone with Depression

When talking to someone about depression, it can be difficult to know what to say. You may be concerned that if you express your issues, the individual may become upset, feel offended, or dismiss your concerns. You might be unclear about what questions to ask or how to be helpful.

If you don’t know where to begin, the tips below may be useful. However, keep in mind that being a sympathetic listener is far more essential than offering advice. You don’t have to “fix” your friend or family member; simply be a good listener. Often, just chatting face to face may be enormously beneficial to someone suffering from depression.

How to Encourage Someone to Get Help

Offer to assist in locating a doctor or therapist and accompany them on their initial session. Finding the correct treatment provider may be tough and typically involves trial and error. It is a tremendous aid for a depressed individual who is already low on energy to have assistance making calls and researching choices such as counseling and therapy.

Choosing between depression treatments such as SPRAVATO® (esketamine) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can be a tough decision to make. Get in touch with Wonder Years today to begin discussing your options.

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Is Online Psychologist Therapy Worth It

Is Online Psychotherapy Worth It?

Nowadays, technological advancements along with the increased accessibility of the internet have paved the way for people to seek online counseling and therapy services. They have become a popular option, even as a mainstream medium for people to receive mental health services. Online counseling and therapy are, in fact, viewed to be as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy.

For many, traditional therapy is still a preferred option, especially because they haven’t had the opportunity to experience the benefits and advantages offered by online psychotherapy. If you are still not sure about online therapy or are considering it, then this is the right place for you! Here, we will tell you more about online psychotherapy and the benefits it can offer you.

What is Online Psychotherapy?

To put it simply, online psychotherapy is a service that provides professional mental health treatment virtually on an online platform. Such services are typically provided through video conferences, chat rooms, web cameras, and emails.

This form of online psychology counseling is generally also referred to as e-therapy, cyber counseling, or teletherapy. By engaging with an online therapist, the individual can find relevant support for certain issues or problems they face.

Today, there are many clinical and coaching psychologists offering mental health services, but not all of them can provide the best form of support that you require. So, it’s essential you know what you’re looking for in a therapist and you should be looking for someone who can offer the most optimal practical strategies that can work for you.

The Many Benefits of Online Psychotherapy

There are various benefits when it comes to online psychology therapy and counseling. If you’re interested or considering switching from your in-person sessions, you can consider some of the advantages listed below.

  • Affordability

Online psychology therapy services are generally cheaper than in-person sessions because it does not involve the fee of renting a physical space. The patient is also able to save on transport expenses as they can benefit from the sessions in the comfort of their home.

  • Freedom of Communication

You’ll have the freedom to choose the method of communication you prefer or feel comfortable with. Whether it’s text-based, through video calls or emails, it’s entirely up to you.

  • Privacy

Online therapy helps in tackling the stigma that surrounds mental health issues in many different traditions and cultures. Patients don’t have to physically travel to an office and fear being recognized by someone.

Get Your Psychological Assessment with Wonder Years

If you’re keen on getting online psychology therapy or counseling, Wonder Years is the ideal choice for you. We cover a comprehensive range of psychological assessment services which include neuropsychological assessments, comprehensive initial evaluation, and even second opinions for those that want a different look at a diagnosis or treatment.

Besides our collaborative approach to our patients, we emphasize strongly on compliance with the treatment process and frequent discussion regarding diagnosis, medications, as well as potential side effects.

Get started with us and book your appointment today! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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Therapy For Anxiety Heres How It Can Help

Therapy For Anxiety: Here’s How It Can Help

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a state of uneasiness that can range from minor to severe. It can affect anyone of any gender and age, including infants, toddlers, and preadolescents as well. 

Working with a mental health expert can help you achieve better mental health. Therapy is the most effective treatment for many anxiety problems. Therapy can assist you in identifying the root reasons for your anxieties and phobias, learning how to relax, and developing healthy coping strategies and problem-solving abilities. Essentially, therapy provides you with the skills you need to conquer anxiety and teaches you how to utilize them.

What Kinds of Therapy Are Used to Manage Anxiety?

Unlike anti-anxiety medicine, psychotherapy cures more than simply the symptoms of anxiety. The self-reflective process of therapy assists patients with anxiety disorders in understanding, identifying, and transforming their anxiety. When anxiety symptoms flare up, it is vital to employ appropriate coping mechanisms.

Some of the most frequent forms of therapy used for anxiety treatment include cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and interpersonal therapy. 

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used therapy for anxiety disorders. CBT is based on the idea that our ideas, not external events, influence how we feel, think, and behave. In other words, your perspective of the circumstance determines how you feel, not the issue itself.

CBT targets negative ideas and behaviors that affect how we see the world and ourselves. Cognitive-behavioral therapy consists of two major components:

  • Cognitive therapy investigates how negative beliefs lead to anxiousness and anxiety.
  • Behavior therapy investigates how your actions and emotions in stressful situations cause anxiety.

CBT tries to identify problematic ideas and beliefs, question them, and replace them with healthier, more constructive thoughts and beliefs through a combination of homework assignments, goal-setting, group therapy, and organized treatment sessions.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy, as the name implies, exposes clients to fearful items or circumstances. Clients gain control over dreaded events via repeated exposures, and excessive concern becomes more controllable with time.

There are two approaches to exposure treatment. Therapists may ask clients to picture scary circumstances, or clients may face frightening events in real life gradually. Exposure treatment can be used independently or in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Psychodynamic Therapy

Recognizing negative patterns of thought and behavior that are founded on prior experiences is part of psychodynamic therapy. Psychodynamic therapists often employ open-ended inquiries and free association to allow clients to communicate whatever is in their thoughts.

Clients and therapists collaborate throughout treatment sessions to detect unconscious patterns of undesirable behavior.

Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychological assessments can also be used to evaluate an individual’s capacity to make decisions and for medical and legal purposes. Wonder Years provides comprehensive neuropsychological assessments for children, adolescents, and adults to evaluate multiple domains of functioning, such as memory, intelligence, achievement, executive skills, visual-spatial, attention, and psychomotor functioning, among others.

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