Why You Should Consider Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS) For Your Depression

Why You Should Consider Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS) For Your Depression

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive magnetic coil treatment to determine your brain’s natural electrical activity. Here is a review of why you should consider Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS) for your depression.

When is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Applied?

TMS usually is a treatment that may assist when other treatments fail to work. It’s additionally a crucial choice as it’s noninvasive. This implies it doesn’t need surgery or interventional procedure. 

TMS may additionally provide another choice over treatments, including electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), when ECT is not an option or fails to work.

The ailments that TMS is approved for treatment vary from country to country. TMS holds approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat four disorders:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD) (like treatment-resistant depression).
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
  • Smoking Cessation.

To add to the approved conditions, research is continuing to check if it can treat other conditions. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive magnetic coil treatment by influencing the brain’s electrical activity. These encompass, but aren’t restricted to:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Bipolar Disorder.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
  • Chronic Pain.
  • Eating Disorders.
  • Essential Tremor.
  • Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Stroke Complications.
  • Tinnitus or Auditory Hallucinations.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury.

What Are the Advantages of TMS?

TMS holds some benefits that render it an excellent treatment. TMS is a useful clinical tool that is effective in patients with depression.

  • It’s Non-Invasive. You don’t require surgery to get the procedure, and you can go on working when a session ends. It doesn’t need any anesthesia.
  • It’s safe. Your chance of getting a TMS seizure is less than 0.01% for every session. Alternative side effects are often minor.
  • It’s effective. The success statistics of TMS vary with each condition, but the research now proves it is effective especially for the treatment of Depression.
  • It may rescue lives. One of the conditions that TMS treats, Major Depressive Disorder, might result in death by suicide. TMS may save lives as this can cause improvements in depression symptoms or stops depression entirely.
  • TMS may work cooperatively with many other treatments including but not limited to medications, mental health therapies, and more.

What are The Risks, Side Effects, or Complications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?

TMS has very few side effects, dangers, or complications. The highly probable severe side effect of TMS is going through a seizure. The risk of getting a seizure from a TMS treatment is 0.01% or lower than 1 in 10,000.

The highly probable complications, many of which are minor or don’t last more than a few minutes following a session, are:

  • Pain, often in your neck or scalp,
  • Dizziness and nausea.
  • Tingling of the muscles in your scalp or face.
  • Temporary Tinnitus (ringing inside your ears).
  • Very high sensitivity to sound (Hyperacusis).

What Is the Recovery Period from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?

Many users may resume their daily activity or routine instantly following a TMS session. Several users may require a few minutes to allow the side effects to subside, but this is rare.

When Should I See My Healthcare Provider or Get Medical Assistance?

You must consult your treating doctor as soon as you experience any side effects. Skipping sessions can render this treatment to fail.

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Understanding The Side Effects Of ADHD Medication

Understanding The Side Effects Of ADHD Medication

The widespread side effects are loss of appetite or insomnia. More ADHD medicine side effects are irritability, jitteriness, headaches, moodiness, stomachaches, racing heart rate, or high blood pressure. Here is a review of the side effects of ADHD medication.

Several Side Effects of ADHD Medicines — or Treatments

The hazards of possible ADHD medication side effects keep most parents or adults from starting these treatments. These side effects, however, are reduced over time. Parents may need to determine if their child could tolerate these reactions for a certain period or change medications, especially if they affect their child’s ability to focus.

Here are some very typical adverse reactions or treatments for these.

  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Stomach Problems
  • Upset stomach

“When a kid begins medication, there can be a one-to-three-pound weight loss over the first month,” Dickson says. “However, it is typical for the kid to regain the mass in the following three months.”


  • Prepare nourishing meals and snacks in advance to feed your kids when they are hungry.
  • Try to eat before the medication works or once the medication wears off.
  • Consume medication with milk or food.


  • Abstain from electronics for one hour before sleep.
  • Employ a White Noise Machine or Soft Music to relax.
  • Try altering your medicine timing or dosage.

Irritability or Mood Alteration

“Irritability when on medication might be a side effect of the medicine or an indication that a kid may have other disorders,” Dickson states.

Consult your doctor to increase a little second dose to prevent the “rebound” once the meds fade off.

Consult a doctor for some related ailments like anxiety.


“Give Tylenol or Motrin when needed,” Dickson states.

When headaches continue, try altering the dosage with the physician.

Dry Mouth

  • Hold a water bottle.
  • Take some sugar-free candy.
  • Talk to your physician about other medication choices when side effects continue or impact daily living or general well-being.

Side Effects of Stimulants

While stimulant medications for ADHD hold distinct names or doses, the methods they function within the brain are almost similar. Owing to this, they would probably lead to many side effects like worsening appetite, anxiety, or tummy upsets.

Typical stimulant side effects of ADHD medication are:

  • A worsening appetite may result in undesired weight loss in grownups or lower weight gain in kids
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Headaches
  • Aggression
  • Mood swings involving anger, agitation, or aggression
  • Vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea
  • Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Anxiety or muscle strain
  • Heightened blood pressure or heart rate
  • Tics

Side Effects of Non-Stimulants

Many might imagine that taking a non-stimulant may assist them in escaping all the side effects of ADHD medication. Still, non-stimulants may trigger their list of undesirable side effects. Also, there is plenty of overlap between ADHD medicines with their side effects. Resembling all additional side effects, these might last for several weeks as the body gets used to them.

Typical Side Effects of Non-Stimulant ADHD Medication:

  • Tummy aches with vomiting, nausea, or constipation
  • Deteriorating agitation, depression, or anxiety
  • Sleep issues
  • Deteriorating appetite
  • Feeling tired and exhausted
  • Headache
  • Dry Mouth
  • Liver Damage
  • Blood pressure and heart rate rising
  • Sexual dysfunction or pain in urinating

Medication might also trigger these emotions:

  • Mood swings: depressive moods or “lows” might be sufficiently powerful to trigger suicidal ideation or actions
  • Heightened volatility and violence: this may trigger aggressive fights with others
  • Heightened anxiety, worry, or physical tension

Effects on Sleep

These forms of medicine for ADHD may disturb sleep in unwanted ways.

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The Link Between Anxiety and ADHD In Your Children

The Link Between Anxiety and ADHD In Your Children

ADHD and Anxiety often exist together.  Research suggests that 25% and to 33% of children with ADHD have a co-existing (or comorbid) anxiety disorder.  Childhood anxiety is the second most common condition co-existing with ADHD.

Where the Confusion Arises

​The significant symptoms of ADHD and Anxiety are almost the same and might get aggravated by the presence of the underlying disorder. Both diagnoses may cause children to display poor concentration, behavioral difficulties, social or learning difficulties, sleeping difficulties, and a lousy change in appetite.  Despite this, what is behind these symptoms, and even how they get treated, is distinct.

​​“Misdiagnosis” Versus “Missed Diagnosis”

One instance of how misdiagnosis might happen is when Anxiety symptoms get mixed up with a bodily concern because a kid complains of headaches or stomach aches.  When a kid has problems making friends due to their anxiety, low self-confidence, or reactive behavior, anxiety might get misdiagnosed as a Social Communication Disorder like Autism.

Where a kid displays “explosive behavior” as a component of the “fight or flight” reaction to anxiety, this can get mixed up with ODD or owing to non-explicit symptoms. Thus, anxiety might then get looked over as a comorbid diagnosis when ADHD is already pre-existent.

How Do We Discern The Differences?

Sadly, there are no magic formulas or universally recognized assessment tools for checking if a kid has ADHD, Anxiety, or all these.  Like all childhood developmental and emotional health disorders, it may require time, review, and a full assessment to know where a kid’s difficulties come from.  This may need gathering data in different settings and closely reviewing the kid’s behavior, perhaps over multiple visits.

Several Clues That Indicate Anxiety

  • Children with Anxiety are at times more alert to pick up social cues (e.g., they identify and fret over how they appear to other people)
  • Children with Anxiety seek reassurance and planning for games
  • Children with Anxiety might have physiological symptoms (nausea, abdominal pains, dizziness, racing heart, etc.)

Children with Anxiety display less problematic behavior once they feel calm and not threatened.

​​How Do We Support a Child with ADHD and Anxiety?

Although there are resemblances between the symptoms, the cause of every symptom is distinct, and every diagnosis demands a specialized treatment and regimen.   As a universal rule, it may help to test out environmental alterations and behavioral therapy before giving the kids medication.

Cognitive-behavior Therapy with Child Psychologists is the primary treatment for anxiety in children. However, it depends on kids being capable of staying still and cognitively engaging for 50 minutes per week which may be hard for kids with ADHD.

​Medication choices are accessible for all these conditions if needed.  It is important to note that stimulant medications for ADHD act fast (days or weeks), whereas anti-anxiety medicines take a longer time (weeks to months) to see the effects.

​​Behavioral Treatments for ADHD

  • Children with ADHD cope best in an organized setting that is free from mess.
  • At school and at times that demand concentration, remove external distractions for your kid by seating them far from glass panes, close to instructors, and in a clean and tiny area.

​Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety

  • When needed, model and compliment non-anxious actions and diminish attention on anxious actions, as delivering too much reassurance can reinforce their fears.
  • Compliment and reward kids for “having a go” at the tasks they find rigid and concentrate as much as you can on the “effort” instead of the “successful completion” of any work.
  • Resembling kids with ADHD, kids with Anxiety may be helped by structure and routine.
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How To Find The Best Online Psychologist

How To Find The Best Online Psychologist

Finding the right therapist can be a daunting task, but it is easier now with Internet access. In most cases, you will not experience any difficulty with finding a qualified professional who can help you with your mental health needs, e.g., depression or anxiety management issues. Today, online psychology services have become increasingly popular as they offer a convenient, discreet, and affordable alternative to traditional in-person therapy. In this post, we will explore ways to find a psychologist online so that you can improve your overall well-being or address a specific mental health concern.

Get a Referral from Family Members or Friends

Some family members can offer online psychologist referrals. They may have firsthand experience and can provide valuable insights pertaining to finding one. It is important to keep in mind that what worked for them may not necessarily work for you. Each patient’s needs and preferences are different, so these factors should guide you into finding a suitable psychologist.

When you ask for online psychologist referrals, it is a good idea to ask about their experience with the therapist, including how they felt about the therapist’s effectiveness, communication style, and qualifications. Learn more about the specific concerns and mental health issues that the psychologist helped them with. This will help you determine if the psychologist can help treat the same issues you are dealing with.

Ask Your Insurance Provider

Today’s insurance providers have a list of in-network providers who offer tele-psychiatry services. It is a good idea to review your insurance policy to check if it covers online therapy services. You may wish to call your insurance provider to ask for recommendations, and they should be able to provide you with a list of online psychologists to approach. Alternatively, you can perform a quick search on your insurance provider’s online directory based on specialty, location, and other criteria.

Keep in mind that an individual’s insurance coverage for online psychiatry services varies depending on the specific insurance plan or the state you live in. Remember to check your policy and consult with your insurer to fully understand the coverage as well as potential out-of-pocket costs you might incur during the treatment.

Research Online Directories of the American Psychological Association

Although the American Psychological Association (APA) does not directly recommend specific online psychologists, they provide resources that can help you find a qualified online therapist. The APA manages an online directory of licensed psychologists who are trained to provide therapy. You can use these directories to search for a service provider based on their areas of expertise, years of experience, education, locations they serve, and more. These factors help determine if they are qualified to provide the type of therapy you need. Do note that the APA does not endorse any specific therapist online. It is up to you to conduct your own due diligence.

Are You Trying to Find a Psychologist Online?

For your peace of mind, the Wonder Years team comprises double board-certified child-adolescent and adult psychiatrists and board-certified mental health nurse practitioners. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn how we can help you.

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Antidepressants For Anxiety: Do They Help?

Antidepressants For Anxiety: Do They Help?

Anxiety may respond well to treatment. Your doctor might suggest prescription medication for your anxiety—here’s what to know about some of the most commonly prescribed types of medication.

Types of Antidepressants

Antidepressant medications may work by influencing neurotransmitters. These medicines may get used for treating anxiety symptoms, but they often take 4 to 6 weeks to get visible healing done.


Tricyclics work, like SSRIs, work for treating many anxiety disorders, excluding obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Instances of tricyclics used for anxiety are:

  • Clomipramine (Anafranil)
  • Imipramine (Tofranil)

Tricyclics are old drugs that get prescribed less often, as new drugs cause fewer side effects.

Side effects of tricyclics can include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Weight gains
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Urinary retention
  • Constipation

Side effects may frequently be controlled by altering the dose or switching to other tricyclics.


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) get prescribed for treating panic disorder.

MAOIs that are FDA approved for treating depression but used off-label for anxiety are:

  • Phenelzine (Nardil)
  • Tranylcypromine (Parnate)
  • Selegiline (Emsam)
  • Dicarboxamide (Marplan)

Like tricyclics, MAOIs are old drugs that trigger more significant side effects than new drugs. Some side effects are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia

Types of Anxiety Medications SSRIs and SNRIs

SSRIs and SNRIs often form the prime main medication treatments for anxiety. They typically work well for many people as they have developed solid safety profiles. These medications, however, may require four to six weeks to accumulate within your body gradually. They can trigger nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting, resulting in low sodium levels. For a minor percentage of users, they cause sexual side effects.

Examples of SSRIs utilized to treat anxiety are:

  • Escitalopram (Lexapro)
  • Citalopram (Celexa)
  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
  • Sertraline (Zoloft)

SSRIs may trigger various side effects, but many users tolerate these without issues. Side effects are:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Sexual Dysfunction

SNRI’s include Duloxetine (Cymbalta), Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), or Venlafaxine XR (Effexor XR).

Consult with your doctor if you experience any concerns over any specific side effects.


Vistaril refers to an antihistamine that may be used to treat anxiety PRN medication (as an and when required)

  • Pros

You may consume Vistaril, when necessary, for temporary anxiety relief, like before surgery.

  • Cons

It may lead to dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, or blurred vision.


Buspar raises your levels of the elevating neurotransmitter Serotonin and Dopamine.

  • Pros

To relieve anxiety, it improves your sense of contentment.

  • Cons

It may result in dizziness or drowsiness, and nausea.

Abilify and Seroquel

Abilify and Seroquel refer to antipsychotic drugs which treat some types of mental health and mood disorders and can be used as add-on treatment for difficult to treat anxiety.

  • Pros

They get to work fast so you can feel better in several days.

  • Cons

They may render you exhausted, but that might be good when you have trouble sleeping. They might cause spasms, dry mouth, and involuntary body movements.


Benzodiazepines are tranquilizers common examples include Diazepam (Valium), Alprazolam (Xanax) and Lorazepam (Ativan).

  • Pros

They may provide you with instant relief.

  • Cons

You may just use them temporarily as you may grow dependent on them and develop resistance to them.


The beta blocker Propranolol is used to treat social anxiety.

  • Pros

You might utilize them to reduce anxiety before stage performances or public speeches.

  • Cons

It might trigger low blood pressure and dizziness.

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Is Depression Curable? What You Should Know

Is Depression Curable? What You Should Know

There’s no cure for depression, but there are many effective treatments. People may recover from depression and live healthy lives. Here is some information on whether depression can be cured.

Major Depressive Disorder

Most experience low moods and dark, morbid thoughts, but Major Depressive Disorder is more serious. Upon your experience of lingering sorrow and disinterest in life as well as hobbies or older habitual activities over an extended time of a minimal period of two weeks or encountering escalated suicidal thoughts, you might be suffering from Major Depressive Disorder. It is highly treatable, however.

Treatment Options

Major depression is treated with medication, therapy, or all these. Remember that treatment plans are distinct for all based on the kind of depression and degree of the condition.


There are multiple forms of antidepressant medicines for treating major depression by helping to improve the way a person’s brain regulates their moods or degrees of stress. These medications can need a minimum of four weeks to take effect fully. People might see that their sleep, appetite, or concentration problems get better before their mood improves.


Talking frequently to some professional therapists, like a psychiatrist or a psychologist, may enable patients to identify the causes that trigger their depression, substitute negative behaviors with positive ones, cope well with stress, meet all goals, and adhere to their medical treatments.

What You Can Do

The positive lifestyle practices, accompanied by professional therapy, may enable you to manage the symptoms of major depression:

Focus on Self-Care

Reduce stress with exercises like meditation or yoga. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and attain adequate rest. Many adults require 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Abstain from using alcohol and recreational drugs, which can aggregate symptoms and render depression challenging to treat.

Set Small, Achievable Goals

Build realistic goals for developing confidence or motivation for each day.

Educate Family and Friends about Major Depression

These can assist you with observing warning signs that your depression might return.

Treating Depression With Fish Oil

  • Prevents anxiety. A 2013 report stated that fish oil intake might cure stress symptoms.
  • Reduced depressive symptoms. Fish Oil Supplements are reported to cut down the symptoms of acute depression in youth.

Creating A Support System

Isolation remains the leading cause of depression among seniors. Providing your loved ones with the fullest extent of your time or attention that you can prove to assist them greatly. Collaborating with them, organizing a community network of close kin and friends whose companionship they seek. Plan a regular schedule that allows them to connect with the community with frequently planned visits.

Consider organizing trips for them to travel out with you to fetch the children from class thrice per week or motivate them to communicate with friends or visit contacts. Alternatively, enroll them in a Social Day program. Though they could lack the drive to organize these visits independently, by enlisting your assistance, they could begin to fight off isolation to connect with the community.

Remember that research resources are available online to assist your loved one in discussing with others without departing from your residence. The Friendship Line remains the sole crisis helpline in the United States for mature elders over 60 years of age and for adults living with disabilities. Whereas the line is listed as a suicide prevention line, it may alternatively function as a “soft line,” implying elders looking for the company may dial in to converse with a trained volunteer that specializes in holding an intimate, honest conversation with older adults that might experience depression.

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