How Does Wonder Years Work?

Wonder Years carries out a thorough evaluation for an hour on the first appointment to assess mental health conditions. It requires all caregivers and parents to be present at the initial evaluation, as it gives a full view of the challenges the patient is dealing with.

Copies of any prior psychiatric evaluations, such as discharge summaries obtained from previous care providers, recent medications, and neuropsychological tests are to be carried along for the first appointment. Following the examination, a full discussion of the various therapy options will be initiated to formulate the best treatment option.

What Conditions Are Treated at Wonder Years?

  • ADHD

ADHD is a mental condition that impairs the ability to maintain stillness, pay attention, and control one’s behavior. It is more common in kids and teenagers but can last through adulthood.

  • Alcohol Disorder

Alcohol disorder is a medical condition marked by a decreased capacity to reduce or regulate alcohol use in the face of negative social, professional, or health effects.

  • Anxiety

Anxiety is a typical response to stress and in some circumstances, it can be helpful. It can warn us about potential threats and assist with planning and attention. When anxiety disorders are present, however, there is excessive dread or anxiety as opposed to the typical emotions of apprehension or worry.

  • Autism

Autism, or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. It is characterized by difficulties with social skills and speech, repetitive activities, and non-verbal communication.

  • Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition characterized by periods of mood swings that range from manic highs to depressing lows. Although the precise origin of bipolar disorder is unknown, genetics, the environment, and changed brain chemistry may all be contributory factors.

  • Depression

Depression is a mental health condition that can range from moderate and transient to severe and persistent. While some people may only experience depression once, others may suffer from it for the longer term.

  • Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disability that mostly affects reading, writing, and spelling.

  • Insomnia

Insomnia is a common disorder that can make it difficult for people to fall asleep or keep asleep. Insomniacs may also wake up too early and have trouble falling back asleep.

  • Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is the term for a particular type of depression that appears after giving birth. Emotional highs and lows, frequent crying, weariness, guilt, and concern are all symptoms of postpartum depression.

  • PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can be brought on by experiencing or seeing a horrific incident. Flashbacks, nightmares, excruciating anxiety, and uncontrolled thoughts about the incident are some of the symptoms.

What Therapies/Treatments Do Wonder Years Offer?

  • Therapy

Wonder Years uses both individual and group therapy as a treatment that has proven effective for anxiety, phobias, relationship issues, trauma, and depression.

  • ADHD Coaching

ADHD is a neurological condition that can affect children and adults. Treatments for this condition include coaching, medications, and therapy. Wonder Years offers specialized coaching and therapy for ADHD in children and adults.

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

This is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates nerve cells in the brain with magnetic fields to lessen the symptoms of depression. When other depressive disorder therapies have failed, TMS is the alternative used.

Does Wonder Years Offer Video Consultation?

The fact that telepsychiatry has been successful in treating patients of various ages, including children, adolescents, and older individuals, proves that telepsychiatry is effective. Therefore, Wonder Years offers a video consultation option after the first appointment.

What Medications Do Wonder Years Offer?

Wonder Years offers SPRAVATO® as medication for depression. The FDA has authorized SPRAVATO® as a therapy for adult depression as it uses more modern approaches to treat depression and can benefit those who have not responded to more conventional forms of care.

Who are the Professionals that Work at Wonder Years?

Medical professionals, including therapists, psychiatrists, and nurse practitioners, work at Wonder Years to provide effective care, treatments, and therapies for those with mental health concerns.

Can Wonder Years Help Me Manage My Mental Health Condition?

Here at Wonder Years, we offer thorough diagnostic evaluations, second opinions, and particularly follow-up care for a variety of mental issues. This is done in conjunction with a focus on treatment adherence and regular discussions regarding the diagnosis, drugs, available treatments, and any pharmaceutical adverse effects.

Can I Get a Second Opinion from Wonder Years?

Wonder Years offers a second opinion to those in need of one. Bring copies of previous evaluations, psychiatric testing results, hospital discharge papers, and current medication prescriptions to the appointment for a comprehensive review.

How Much Does it Cost to Get Treatment at Wonder Years?

Wonder Years healthcare costs include:

  • Individual Therapy Intake: $199
  • Initial Comprehensive Evaluation with MD- Children & Adolescents: $499
  • Initial Comprehensive Evaluation with NP- Adults: $349
  • Initial Comprehensive Evaluation with MD- Adults: $449
  • Second Opinion Evaluation with MD: $499/hour
  • Individual Therapy Follow-up: $169
  • Follow-up visits with NP: $129
  • Follow-up visits with MD: $149

Can I Use Insurance with Wonder Years?

Our goal is to offer affordable mental health care. Wonder Years uses a ‘hybrid’ model in terms of insurance. A few of our mental health providers are considered out of network while few are in-network with particular insurances. You are advised to check with us about the provider you are seeking services from.

We provide documents with receipts and diagnostic codes to assist you in obtaining insurance payment for all the psychiatric treatments as an out-of-network physician. To ascertain the scope of coverage, it is important to give insurance firms a call in advance.