How To Find The Best Online Psychologist

How To Find The Best Online Psychologist

Finding the right therapist can be a daunting task, but it is easier now with Internet access. In most cases, you will not experience any difficulty with finding a qualified professional who can help you with your mental health needs, e.g., depression or anxiety management issues. Today, online psychology services have become increasingly popular as they offer a convenient, discreet, and affordable alternative to traditional in-person therapy. In this post, we will explore ways to find a psychologist online so that you can improve your overall well-being or address a specific mental health concern.

Get a Referral from Family Members or Friends

Some family members can offer online psychologist referrals. They may have firsthand experience and can provide valuable insights pertaining to finding one. It is important to keep in mind that what worked for them may not necessarily work for you. Each patient’s needs and preferences are different, so these factors should guide you into finding a suitable psychologist.

When you ask for online psychologist referrals, it is a good idea to ask about their experience with the therapist, including how they felt about the therapist’s effectiveness, communication style, and qualifications. Learn more about the specific concerns and mental health issues that the psychologist helped them with. This will help you determine if the psychologist can help treat the same issues you are dealing with.

Ask Your Insurance Provider

Today’s insurance providers have a list of in-network providers who offer tele-psychiatry services. It is a good idea to review your insurance policy to check if it covers online therapy services. You may wish to call your insurance provider to ask for recommendations, and they should be able to provide you with a list of online psychologists to approach. Alternatively, you can perform a quick search on your insurance provider’s online directory based on specialty, location, and other criteria.

Keep in mind that an individual’s insurance coverage for online psychiatry services varies depending on the specific insurance plan or the state you live in. Remember to check your policy and consult with your insurer to fully understand the coverage as well as potential out-of-pocket costs you might incur during the treatment.

Research Online Directories of the American Psychological Association

Although the American Psychological Association (APA) does not directly recommend specific online psychologists, they provide resources that can help you find a qualified online therapist. The APA manages an online directory of licensed psychologists who are trained to provide therapy. You can use these directories to search for a service provider based on their areas of expertise, years of experience, education, locations they serve, and more. These factors help determine if they are qualified to provide the type of therapy you need. Do note that the APA does not endorse any specific therapist online. It is up to you to conduct your own due diligence.

Are You Trying to Find a Psychologist Online?

For your peace of mind, the Wonder Years team comprises double board-certified child-adolescent and adult psychiatrists and board-certified mental health nurse practitioners. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn how we can help you.

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Is Depression Curable? What You Should Know

Is Depression Curable? What You Should Know

There’s no cure for depression, but there are many effective treatments. People may recover from depression and live healthy lives. Here is some information on whether depression can be cured.

Major Depressive Disorder

Most experience low moods and dark, morbid thoughts, but Major Depressive Disorder is more serious. Upon your experience of lingering sorrow and disinterest in life as well as hobbies or older habitual activities over an extended time of a minimal period of two weeks or encountering escalated suicidal thoughts, you might be suffering from Major Depressive Disorder. It is highly treatable, however.

Treatment Options

Major depression is treated with medication, therapy, or all these. Remember that treatment plans are distinct for all based on the kind of depression and degree of the condition.


There are multiple forms of antidepressant medicines for treating major depression by helping to improve the way a person’s brain regulates their moods or degrees of stress. These medications can need a minimum of four weeks to take effect fully. People might see that their sleep, appetite, or concentration problems get better before their mood improves.


Talking frequently to some professional therapists, like a psychiatrist or a psychologist, may enable patients to identify the causes that trigger their depression, substitute negative behaviors with positive ones, cope well with stress, meet all goals, and adhere to their medical treatments.

What You Can Do

The positive lifestyle practices, accompanied by professional therapy, may enable you to manage the symptoms of major depression:

Focus on Self-Care

Reduce stress with exercises like meditation or yoga. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and attain adequate rest. Many adults require 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Abstain from using alcohol and recreational drugs, which can aggregate symptoms and render depression challenging to treat.

Set Small, Achievable Goals

Build realistic goals for developing confidence or motivation for each day.

Educate Family and Friends about Major Depression

These can assist you with observing warning signs that your depression might return.

Treating Depression With Fish Oil

  • Prevents anxiety. A 2013 report stated that fish oil intake might cure stress symptoms.
  • Reduced depressive symptoms. Fish Oil Supplements are reported to cut down the symptoms of acute depression in youth.

Creating A Support System

Isolation remains the leading cause of depression among seniors. Providing your loved ones with the fullest extent of your time or attention that you can prove to assist them greatly. Collaborating with them, organizing a community network of close kin and friends whose companionship they seek. Plan a regular schedule that allows them to connect with the community with frequently planned visits.

Consider organizing trips for them to travel out with you to fetch the children from class thrice per week or motivate them to communicate with friends or visit contacts. Alternatively, enroll them in a Social Day program. Though they could lack the drive to organize these visits independently, by enlisting your assistance, they could begin to fight off isolation to connect with the community.

Remember that research resources are available online to assist your loved one in discussing with others without departing from your residence. The Friendship Line remains the sole crisis helpline in the United States for mature elders over 60 years of age and for adults living with disabilities. Whereas the line is listed as a suicide prevention line, it may alternatively function as a “soft line,” implying elders looking for the company may dial in to converse with a trained volunteer that specializes in holding an intimate, honest conversation with older adults that might experience depression.

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Wonder Years- Wonderful Verterans

Wonderful Veterans

Everyone deserves good healthcare. Wonder Years was founded on the principle to provide high quality care while keeping the costs of care fair to both the patients and the healthcare providers. In keeping with this vision, Wonder Years has followed a ‘hybrid model’ i.e. we offer services both via insurance and private pay. After being in existence for four years we are now ready to take the next step to make this vision even more accessible and affordable. Starting July 4th 2020, I have decided to offer my services to Veteran families who are not in network with Aetna or Cigna for a token fee of $1. For the Veteran families who are in network with Aetna and Cigna, I will waive off all co-pays & any unmet deductibles. I am calling this initiative ‘Wonderful Veterans’.


My vision is to make ‘Wonderful Veterans’ a collaborative initiative i.e. to have as many healthcare providers in every domain be a part of this program. I value the time of the various providers that will eventually participate in this program and so would request each provider to take up only one family at a time. Your work would be independent of Wonder Years and you can continue to function independently in ways you feel best works for you. Even though ‘Wonderful Veterans’ is Trademarked to Wonder Years, healthcare providers are free to use it on their website without any permission.

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Wonder Years COVID 19

COVID 19: Resources & Referral options for patients

Wonder Years has compiled an extensive list of resources and referral options for our patients during this pandemic.

Stay safe and Healthy.

Coronavirus Info Hotline: 1-888-364-3065
• NYS Coronavirus response updates:
• CDC, updates/information:
• CDC, What to do if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19:

Crisis Situations:
• Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for English; 1-888-628-9454 for Spanish
• National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
• NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-942-6906
• Child Abuse Hotline: 800-342-3720
• SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 (English/Spanish); TTY: 1-800-846-8517
• Veterans mental health/suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255, or text 838-25

COVID-19 Volunteering:
• Health care workers:
• General Public, NYC:
• General Public, NYS:
• Blood Donation site locator:

Peer Support:
• Veterans Peer Support Call – DAILY at 1p.m. EST: 1-800-767-1750 x99873
• NAMI-NYS helpline: 518-248-7634
• Mental Health Empowerment Project warm line for people with mental illness: 1-800-643-7462
• Alcoholics Anonymous online:

Accessing Treatment and Services:
Medicaid / Food Stamps / Cash Benefits Online Application
• Identifying Supports:
If they are in NYC, 1-888-NYC-WELL or text “WELL” to 65173
NY Connects, statewide social services finder:
The website Aunt Bertha ( allows you to locate supports by zip code. Click here for instructions on using the site.
NYS and nationwide health and human services information and referral: dial 2-1-1

• Employment-related:
Unemployment: 1-888-209-8124
COVID Emergency Paid Sick Leave:, Hotline = 1-888-364-3065
NYC Small Business Financial Relief:
Remote Jobs As Contact Tracers
Search for Medical Care / Food / Job Trainings / Work / Legal Assistance

• Homelessness:
• Food Security:
Food Help / Food Banks / Community Kitchens
Food banks/pantries locator:
Assistance with SNAP (food stamp):
WIC (Women, Infant, Children) food assistance:

• Income Related:
NYC Cash Assistance:, Infoline 718-557-1399
Social Security and COVID:
• Health/Mental Health/Substance Use:
Mental Health Treatment: OMH Customer Relations: 1-800-597-8481
Substance Use Treatment: OASAS Treatment finder
County Health Office finder:

• Call assistance for persons with hearing and speech disabilities: dial 7-1-1

• Discounted internet service:
Comcast: 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855- 846-8376)

• Seniors/Elderly:
Senior service (senior centers, meals on wheels, etc) locator for NYC:
NYC Grocery Delivery for Elderly, Disabled:
County Offices for the Aging locator (scroll down for filters):
NY Connects, statewide social services finder:
US Administration on Aging Eldercare Locator: or 1-800-677-1116
Dementia Support: Alzheimer’s Association web-page, “Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for Dementia Caregivers,”

• Children:
Talking with children about Coronavirus: CDC Guidelines
Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19: NASP guidance
How To Ease Children’s Anxiety About COVID-19: NAMI guidance
Young Children and COVID – what to say, tips on home time:
Family Readiness and Child/Teen Anxiety:
Taking Care of Your Family During Coronavirus:
Free Pick-up Meals for NYC children locator:
Digital learning resources:
Brooklyn Public Library, virtual storytime:
Virtual field trips:

• Veterans:
VA facility locator: VA locator
Veterans metal health/suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255, or text 838-25

• First Responders/Essential Workers:
CDC Self-care Guidance:

• Social Distancing, Quarantine, Isolation:
SAMHSA Tip Sheet:

• Mental Health:
Anxiety management, various populations:
Mental health strategies: AFSP, Mental Health and COVID
12 Strategies for Anxiety Management during COVID:

• Meditation:
Headspace is offering free meditations on their website and on their app
The Insight Timer app has free guided meditations
NYAPRS will offer a daily meditation at 8am M-F on YouTube, access via their site:

• Online Yoga:
Yoga with Adriene on Youtube – always free online
YogaWorks – free online classes during this time

• Online Exercise:
Planet Fitness free live workout sessions – during this time
Les Mills Free Workouts – during this time
Pamela Reif on Youtube – always free
Popsugar Fitness – always free
Fitness Blender – selection of free workouts

• Online Classes:
Free courses online for adults:
Free classes in variety of subjects: Khan Academy – https://www.khanacademy.

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